At the end of a long week of battling the flu, I'm tired but oh so ENCOURAGED! There are no nannies around here and the kids don't get on the big yellow bus. Haven't found a substitute teacher yet either. ;) SO, it was just me and the kiddos moving forward trying to rest and trying to not get behind in our studies or lose our routine. The fever and aches started Sunday afternoon and just kept on coming. Today (Friday) is the first day I'm fever free and praying I'll be at 100% tomorrow... pretty please. :)
Here is how God blessed me in the midst of it all. (By the way, fevers are the pits! I haven't had one of those in years and years. Gives me a whole lot more compassion now.)
Monday: We made it through a
normal regular school day. (nothing is normal around here!) We were scheduled to host a wonderful couple, Hal and Melanie Young, that evening as they spoke at a local homeschool meeting on "
Raising Real Men." In light of my fever, I was blessed that my husband took charge and generously made alternate arrangements for them. Very disappointed to miss meeting them and learning from them, but so thankful that Darin made the decision and made the plans. (And I know they were probably glad to not get my germs!) If you have boys, I highly recommend their book. I just finished it last night. Great stuff!
Tuesday: Our school on Tuesday focused on politics with a trip to the polls with a fever going strong. Nothing would keep me away from voting. ;) The boys were so wonderful as we waited for 45 minutes. Truly a gift! Then that afternoon, a dear friend brought the two older boys to art class while I rested at home with Aaron. Two and a half hours with only one boy was heavenly.
Wednesday: Thinking I was over the hump we attended Community Bible Study, only to return home and realize my fever was back and going strong. So sorry CBS friends! I had no idea! And if you are reading this blog, Wednesday also brought SO many things in which to
boast in the Lord I couldn't possibly get discouraged by how terrible I felt. I scrapped math/grammar and we did science experiments instead. The boys were attentive and excited!
How many books will 4 eggs hold! 15!!
Thursday: After sleeping 11 hours, I was determined to move along with school. My fever just wouldn't let me feel normal, so I parked myself on the couch in my jammies and robe and the boys came to me when it was their turn to "work with mom." Darin worked from home so he could reinforce and supervise what was going on in the school room. This was a gift. Then my mom surprised me with dinner and company for a couple hours in the afternoon. Another unexpected blessing!
Friday: Finally my fever is gone and I'm feeling a little bit better. The weekend starts tomorrow and I can't wait to get back to my running routine... might need to wait until Monday, if I'm being wise. So glad I didn't sign up to run in the
half-marathon again this year which is on Saturday!
"This is the day that the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it."Psalm 118:24
Oh Jill, I hope you are feeling better now!! I had the flu last March for a week (those fevers really do wipe you out!)and was miserable! Glad you were able to have some help and hope you are taking it easy this weekend! Mere