"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace
that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding." Ephesians 1:7-8

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sweet Girl

Remember that sweet girl from Ukraine we hosted for three weeks over Christmas?

Well... she's the reason I haven't spent much time blogging lately. Or rather, filling out paper work for her adoption has been keeping us rather busy. Did you catch that?


I am thrilled and excited to finally announce the news. We've been pretty quiet about our journey, but oh what an exciting journey it has been. I hope that over the next few weeks I'll be able to carve out time to bear witness to how God has been at work. He has been at work in so many ways!!! I'll be blogging over at Our Christmas Guest to share the story of our last four months to keep a record of God's faithfulness. We are hoping to travel to Ukraine and bring her home this summer, so the count down is on. Can you believe it? I am nesting like crazy. ;)

Will you join us in praying as we prepare for this special girl to become a part of our family? Will you pray for Irina as she waits for us? She knows we are coming and has accepted our offer to become a part of our family. Will you pray for her safety and protection these next few months? Will you pray for us as we complete final paper work and training? Thank you in advance for praying. Can't wait to blog more soon!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stitch, Stitch

Our Saturday turned out a bit differently then we expected...
This brave guy ended up with a big gash on his nose. I'm sort of shocked that it wasn't a result of a wild stunt, but instead a silly little brother was just tossing a metal clip for the swing set and it hit the wrong target.  Don't ask me why the swing was taken apart and being thrown... still haven't figured that out.

Here he is with the numbing creme before the stitches. The doctor was concerned about him staying still during the stitches. Not to worry, Doc, he was perfectly still without a tear. He is a trooper!

Two stitches, bath, swollen nose and dinner from Chipotle. 
Not what I had planned, but I'm sort of learning to roll with it. ;) (Sort of...)