I stumbled upon the blog "Practical Theology for Women" recently and began scouring the site. Lots of great thought provoking and encouraging posts about life as a mom, wife and believer in Jesus. Today's post really caught my attention.
I've found myself in a place recently of longing for heaven in a new way. Really longing for a time that will be tear free, pain free and without conflict. Longing for a place where all the things of the world will not get in the way of my communion with God. A place where I can fully rest in Him. And yet, He has placed me here "in the world but not of the world." So, how do I live where He has called me to live with joy and yet still rightfully long for the home I was truly intended for?? How to be content with where He has placed me now?
I loved these last couple paragraphs in her post today.
I long for true food and true drink, for true satisfaction and true rest. I long for true HOME. It's the already, but not yet aspect of the Kingdom of God. Jesus has come, and in this very moment, I can feast on Him and LIVE. I am already seated with Him in the heavenly places, my permanent, peaceful home. Yet, I still live here on earth in a tent. I don't see Him face-to-face as I type these words.
The solution to my discontent is to embrace the tension. This world is not my home, and I am seated with Him in the heavenly realm. He is my manna in the wilderness, and I feast on Him through prayer and Bible study. I can then receive from this earthly home what it can provide and not look to it to provide what it can not. Only then do the seeds of peace and rest start to bloom in my heart.
Guilt did nothing for me. Meditating on Christ did.
Hey Jill- I love that you wrote about this blog- I was introduced to it a couple months ago when I friend sent me a link to a post she did about being the mother of small children (have you read that one yet? If not, you should- from 11/9/11) and have been so encouraged by the author. Anyway, I also have to love a blog that quotes Sara Groves! :)