We are definitely making progress, but the Lord is teaching me a lot about my own sin as I parent and teach him. I am challenged constantly with my patience and soft words. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit and wish I submitted more quickly and more often as I hear the words from Proverbs 15:1 run through my brain. "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up trouble." And also, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." James 1:19-20
So... what I've learned this year is to provide for lots of movement, to expect him to be jumping, hopping, wiggling or standing up ALL WHILE HE IS WORKING! This is hard for me. I'd love for him to sit at his seat and just work. It makes my skin crawl for him to be moving around so much, but based on my research this is NOT unusual boy behavior. I know that he CAN sit still. He does it at Sunday school, Community Bible Study and art class. Ironic that he can sit still for hours and color when he is in the mood. ;)
We do math facts in chalk on the driveway:
We do our work laying down on our bellies, our backs, standing, walking up and down the steps, etc.
I have written movement activities on craft sticks and if I think someone is getting too antsy, we pick one to do. Sure do burn a lot of calories keeping up with these kiddos!
I think a mini trampoline is in our near future. :)
We are on track to finish up our curriculum in May too. Hooray!
Here is what we've been doing this year:
Phonics: Explode the Code
Writing: Daily journal assignments
Bible, Science, Phonics and Reading: My Father's World 1st Grade
Critical Thinking: Workbook from Critical Thinking Company
History/Geography: Exploring Countries and Cultures with Luke
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