"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace
that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding." Ephesians 1:7-8

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Preschool - Plan C

I posted a while back about my elaborate plan for filling Aaron's workboxes for our school day. I was a slave to my schedule for 3-4 weeks before I realized it wasn't working. I was overwhelmed by the time I spent "planning" out his boxes and he wasn't necessarily interested in the things I was putting in them.

So, plan B was to be lazy. I let him wander around and play quietly or listen to a book on CD with headphones. This would work for an hour or so,  but then he would get antsy and disruptive. It finally occurred to me a couple weeks ago that I needed to refocus myself and come up with a plan C.

I'm back to being intentional about loading his workboxes without the elaborate schedule and planning time. It has worked well over the last several weeks to load the boxes at the start of the week with more creative items and only switch out the boxes that he had exhausted somewhere mid-week. I literally just grab whatever might interest him that he hasn't seen in a while and pop it into the box.

I thought I'd share a peek at what's in his boxes this week.
Rod and Staff 3 year old beginning workbook

Lacing upper and lower case U

putting wooden dowels into cheese container 
This is a favorite, but it's been in hiding for a while.

Umbrella shape matching

plastic shape sorter

sorting upper and lower case U's

moving feathers with the tongs into the ice cube tray compartments

stringing noodles onto lace

transferring dried navy beans from one container to another

wooden animal tiles for matching

I'm sure there will be a plan D, E, and F before the year is over. Can this rigid and uptight Momma be flexible and laid back? This is certainly the test! :)

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